jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013


Today I’m going to speak about a videoclip what I saw time ago in a house of a friend, when I saw for first time I really was in shock for the realism of the video.

Is called “stress” by the group Justice, a french band of a rare kind of music (is like electronic) personally  I don´t like this kind of music because I just hear noise, but I must confess the title is right… the music is so stressing !!

In the video appears a group of guys with jackets with the symbol of the group, and they carry weapons like batons, baseball bats, and break things on his way. Later, they paint with a spray the walls of the subway, and they paint persons too and provoke fights for that. The video is too long, and they do more things on the video… I really recommend you see this video ! because is so boring relate what happen in video.

Well, I like this video because I never saw a similar video before, is like recording a gang with a camera… but I don´t know if the video is real, maybe all is prepared by actors. I prefer to think that video is authentic.

see ya !

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWaWsgBbFsA here is the videooo !!

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


Today i’ll go to write about recycle….

Well, i’m not very carefull with the enviroment, but i try to not contaminate too much. I don´t recycle in my house, i supose that is because my family don´t have the custom, we drop the trash without separate by categories… all trash together.

That is so bad, because we (and everybody) must to be care with our planet, is the only we have. I think i can help separating my trash – by organic /no organic; papers; plastic; glasses, etc.- and dropping in a place of recycle… one time in my family we tried to do that, but my mom get tired of accumulate trash in house, but she thinks that is a good idea.

I don´t know where get information about recycle, in Chile that activity is not common. The only places what i know is the junkyards near to my house, where they buy papers, metals, paperboards, etc.  When my family clean the house, we sell the trash we found, they pay very bad for the paper and junk but that serve to us to have space in the house. I heard in the news in Peñalolen some people work in recycle, picking up the trash everyday, house by house (obviously separated).

The schools dont have any program to learn how to recycle, but they should have one, because in our culture nobody be care with our planet, but that is consecuence of our ignorance more than disregard.

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


I don’t know what is the perfect song, can imagine must be one piece of classic music or something simmilar, I listened  few songs of that kind, but i love this one:

Is composed by Beethoven and it´s a part of the Seventh Symphony. His name is “Allegretto”, but this is not the only with that name. I like that song because it have parts with different “escences” like  tensión, happiness, drama, quietness, etc.  or that i think because that makes me feel the music when i listen the song.  I don´t listen that kind of music… is so refined, not for me.

In the last time i have been listening Bob Marley, because his music is so relaxed and he ever send a message for who listen his music. I dont´listen all of the hits of Bob Marley but i like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAW1wj3Lx0I is so popular but i love it. It´s perfect because no exist other song with more reggae!

The song talks about jamming which is like dance joyfully, or have a good time… he say we’re jammin and nothing more cares. To jam don´t have rules and we can do anyhow. I love the lyrics because is so happy =).

I have an storie, well like the music is so famous, the game with it too. The game is take a shot of a drink every time when in the song say the Word “jammin´”. At the last you end up so drunk with the part “
yeah, we´re jamming, jamming i wanna jam it with you we´re jamming, jamming i´m jammed, i hope you´re jamming too”....

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013


My name is Cristian Zamorano, i was born on 1991 in Santiago and i lived in Conchalí all of my life in the house of my grandmother with my mom and my little sister.
Well, actually i study geography in University of Chile, that´s a really beatifull carrer because you learn how work our planet and if i will work like geographer, somebody will pay me to visit some place to analyse something, but i take that like a paid trip… i hope will have the knowledge to be a good geographer.
I have 4 friends near to my house, they are so cool. We always have meetings in the house of one of us, and there we play playstation or we eat in industrial quantities. We are like mutant turtles ninja!!
I like so much travel, but I never go outside of Chile, instead i know many places of the south of Chile because i have family there, and I trip with friends or alone

I don´t know what say … I play guitar with friends of university, i play soccer, i like read novels, i like the sea and the food of the sea, i like plants, i like talk, drink, sleep, write in english, watch episodes of dragon ball, i like sing, ride bicicle… i really love ride bike!! and I like say hello and good bye =)


                                          that is a picture of me with my cousin 

Something what I would like learn too much is play soccer. When I was child I never play sports because I was not interested in a physical activity, instead I spent my time playing videogames in my playstation all day, that was my free activity lot of time.
 I ever love soccer, I watch the soccer games from tv even  I scream the goals of my favourite teams but, I don´t know, maybe I don´t felt able to play. But, sincerely, I didn´t care too much.
Some occassions , when my friends played near to my house I watched his their games but I never thought in wear a shoes of soccer, because I didn´t know nothing about how to play…  when somebody asked to me, I ever said: “No bro, i don’t play soccer… I suck”
Time ago, I was invited to soccermatch with cousins, uncles, friends, etc.  those were the only ocassions which i played in all year, i was the goalkeaper but that day my team have other one, so i play like a forward. On the match I received the ball and i score a really good goal. That was the best sensation, i felt really good after that and since that momento i decided practice that sport and i enjoy all moments when I play… I think is like recovered the lost time of play soccer when i was child

Well, see you later =)

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


I´m going to talk about Homeland Festivity , the Fiestas Patrias

In the last dieciocho de Septiembre, the university give us a week of vacations, and that days I go outside with my friends or family. The typical to me is spend two days with my family in my house to make a barbeque and eat every together, I like so much ever moments when we lunch because, a lot of days I eat in university. Later, we visit to other people of my family, my uncles and cousins and we share a moment.

Later we got together with my friends and make a little party with people of the neighborhood, that parties are so good because we laugh everytime. In that day, we made other barbeque and bought pipeño with pineapple ice cream to make terremotos… that day was so so good

In other day, I went to fonda of Victor Jara where played a lot of bands of cumbia, rock, etc. and we found many people what I know, I never stay alone and I danced so much with my friends. The concert was so good because the style of music what play the bands was so motivating, you feel dancing …

Well, that was my last Homeland Festivity, and every years I do similar plans..

Bye =)