jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


Today i’ll go to write about recycle….

Well, i’m not very carefull with the enviroment, but i try to not contaminate too much. I don´t recycle in my house, i supose that is because my family don´t have the custom, we drop the trash without separate by categories… all trash together.

That is so bad, because we (and everybody) must to be care with our planet, is the only we have. I think i can help separating my trash – by organic /no organic; papers; plastic; glasses, etc.- and dropping in a place of recycle… one time in my family we tried to do that, but my mom get tired of accumulate trash in house, but she thinks that is a good idea.

I don´t know where get information about recycle, in Chile that activity is not common. The only places what i know is the junkyards near to my house, where they buy papers, metals, paperboards, etc.  When my family clean the house, we sell the trash we found, they pay very bad for the paper and junk but that serve to us to have space in the house. I heard in the news in Peñalolen some people work in recycle, picking up the trash everyday, house by house (obviously separated).

The schools dont have any program to learn how to recycle, but they should have one, because in our culture nobody be care with our planet, but that is consecuence of our ignorance more than disregard.

1 comentario:

  1. You are right mr. Zamorano, we MUST learn how to recycle and we MUST help the environment and education is a very good point to start everything.

    Of course it is very difficult, but we need to start now.

