jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

I would like to visit Brasil because i like a lot of things about the culture of that country.  For example, I like there language, is similar to spanish but more beautiful and i think, if i go to Brasil, it would not so difficult to learn. Also, i like the brazilian music, in first time, because it´s sung in portuguese and because they have a lot of own styles of music. In Brasil the people love futbol and i like the futbol too, and if i go to Brasil i like practice and learn futbol there.  Brasil have beautiful landscapes like the Pão de Açúcar, the Amazonas, Brasilia town, the giant statue of Christ in Rio of Janeiro and i would like to visit that places too.

In general, I like Brasil because i think is a good country, the people is nice and i like the atmosphere of they.
Well, If I go to Brasil, i would don´t like to visit like a tourist, i would like to live there one year but, i don´t know what can do there, i suppose first is get a work and a home and with that, try to travel around the country, if that is posible. If I try to live there, the better is go alone or tell to my family or friends who want to travel with me...


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