sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Hello !!

I choose this article:
www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/oct/12/happiness-reality-expectations-oliver-burkeman. The journalist say the happiness depends of the expectative by things we don’t have, were never going to have and wouldn´t have missed. He say, the happiness equals Reality minus Expectation. Raise expectations beyond reality’s capacity to meet them, misery follows.
In my short experience in life, I think live the present is good for my mental sanity because when I have much expectatives I don´t stay relaxed, I live thinking in plans to the future but I don’t live here and now. One time I heard an advice “Live the present” and I get that, and is very similar to this article, Reality minus Expectations…
I stay happy when I stay calm, without problems in my head, but I think the happiness is transient because one ever have any worry or, if i don’t have, I make a worry in my head. For this, I think this article is so good to describe a secret to keep happy, but is so difficult do it… because the mind is so free and crazy, I don´t have control of my thoughts and my feelings depends of that status, I am on changes always and that depends of the stimulation received by me. But, i think the autor of this article want to say "you don´t make problems for nothing, like a menu of the restaurant" and I get that advice too.

Well, I hope you understand what I want to say…  Bye =)

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