sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


I’m going to talk about a movie what I saw few days ago and I liked so much, “Point Break”. This movie was filmed in 1991 by Kathryn Bigelow, with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves in the cast.
The trama of the movie is about two cops investigating a robbery band called “The ex-presidents”, because, when they robbed banks they wearing masks of Nixon, Roosevelt, etc. This couple thinks the band can be surfers of the beach comunnity, for that reason, the younger cop try to become a friend of the surfers and begin the investigation.
In this way, Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) knows Bodhi (Patrick Swayze), the leader of the surfer community with particular way to live the life and they formed a friendship, that relationship  makes Johnny think about his own life, and considered so smart the Bodhi’s philosophy.
Later, Johnny knows the illegal activity of the surfers, and he try to get Bodhi but he escapes from Los Angeles. In the end of the movie, Johnny change his style of life and he still surfing while working like cop looking to Bodhi, and he remember a event which had talked with Bodhi, the “50 Year Storm” . Johnny find Bodhi and he busted, but Bodhi begs Johnny to release him to ride the mortal waves. Johnny releases Bodhi, but he not comeback alive, died according with own style life.

Well, I love this movie because I love the way of Bodhi, his philosophy is so romantic, break the limits to get a good life, good feelings, the extreme of sensations…, and the trama is so good with excellent actors. I recommend ever !

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