domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


I´m going to talk about Homeland Festivity , the Fiestas Patrias

In the last dieciocho de Septiembre, the university give us a week of vacations, and that days I go outside with my friends or family. The typical to me is spend two days with my family in my house to make a barbeque and eat every together, I like so much ever moments when we lunch because, a lot of days I eat in university. Later, we visit to other people of my family, my uncles and cousins and we share a moment.

Later we got together with my friends and make a little party with people of the neighborhood, that parties are so good because we laugh everytime. In that day, we made other barbeque and bought pipeño with pineapple ice cream to make terremotos… that day was so so good

In other day, I went to fonda of Victor Jara where played a lot of bands of cumbia, rock, etc. and we found many people what I know, I never stay alone and I danced so much with my friends. The concert was so good because the style of music what play the bands was so motivating, you feel dancing …

Well, that was my last Homeland Festivity, and every years I do similar plans..

Bye =)

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


I’m going to talk about a movie what I saw few days ago and I liked so much, “Point Break”. This movie was filmed in 1991 by Kathryn Bigelow, with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves in the cast.
The trama of the movie is about two cops investigating a robbery band called “The ex-presidents”, because, when they robbed banks they wearing masks of Nixon, Roosevelt, etc. This couple thinks the band can be surfers of the beach comunnity, for that reason, the younger cop try to become a friend of the surfers and begin the investigation.
In this way, Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) knows Bodhi (Patrick Swayze), the leader of the surfer community with particular way to live the life and they formed a friendship, that relationship  makes Johnny think about his own life, and considered so smart the Bodhi’s philosophy.
Later, Johnny knows the illegal activity of the surfers, and he try to get Bodhi but he escapes from Los Angeles. In the end of the movie, Johnny change his style of life and he still surfing while working like cop looking to Bodhi, and he remember a event which had talked with Bodhi, the “50 Year Storm” . Johnny find Bodhi and he busted, but Bodhi begs Johnny to release him to ride the mortal waves. Johnny releases Bodhi, but he not comeback alive, died according with own style life.

Well, I love this movie because I love the way of Bodhi, his philosophy is so romantic, break the limits to get a good life, good feelings, the extreme of sensations…, and the trama is so good with excellent actors. I recommend ever !

Hello !!

I choose this article: The journalist say the happiness depends of the expectative by things we don’t have, were never going to have and wouldn´t have missed. He say, the happiness equals Reality minus Expectation. Raise expectations beyond reality’s capacity to meet them, misery follows.
In my short experience in life, I think live the present is good for my mental sanity because when I have much expectatives I don´t stay relaxed, I live thinking in plans to the future but I don’t live here and now. One time I heard an advice “Live the present” and I get that, and is very similar to this article, Reality minus Expectations…
I stay happy when I stay calm, without problems in my head, but I think the happiness is transient because one ever have any worry or, if i don’t have, I make a worry in my head. For this, I think this article is so good to describe a secret to keep happy, but is so difficult do it… because the mind is so free and crazy, I don´t have control of my thoughts and my feelings depends of that status, I am on changes always and that depends of the stimulation received by me. But, i think the autor of this article want to say "you don´t make problems for nothing, like a menu of the restaurant" and I get that advice too.

Well, I hope you understand what I want to say…  Bye =)

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

I would like to visit Brasil because i like a lot of things about the culture of that country.  For example, I like there language, is similar to spanish but more beautiful and i think, if i go to Brasil, it would not so difficult to learn. Also, i like the brazilian music, in first time, because it´s sung in portuguese and because they have a lot of own styles of music. In Brasil the people love futbol and i like the futbol too, and if i go to Brasil i like practice and learn futbol there.  Brasil have beautiful landscapes like the Pão de Açúcar, the Amazonas, Brasilia town, the giant statue of Christ in Rio of Janeiro and i would like to visit that places too.

In general, I like Brasil because i think is a good country, the people is nice and i like the atmosphere of they.
Well, If I go to Brasil, i would don´t like to visit like a tourist, i would like to live there one year but, i don´t know what can do there, i suppose first is get a work and a home and with that, try to travel around the country, if that is posible. If I try to live there, the better is go alone or tell to my family or friends who want to travel with me...