martes, 9 de abril de 2013


My ambition is travel around of the world; I would like to meet all of countries, cities, and people. Since I was child, I travel around of Chile because I was scout and in my group ever had excursions. When the group died, I started travel alone – or with friends – by auto-stoping… I think that makes me a traveler, because since I was 7 years old I travel without my parents, but ironically, I never left Chile.
I think the best way to my dreams becomes reality is travel on a ship, working in it because to travel around the world like tourist I’d need a lot of money and I don’t have nothing now, even if I work like geographer, I spend my life working for that and never I could travel. If I have a practical career, a career to let me work on all of countries likes teacher or doctor, this ambition makes easier, but my academic knowledge is difficult to offer in other countries. I think to work like geographer in other country I need keep studying… and I don’t want spend my life on specializations of my career. Is easier offer my hands, I could work like a sailor, blacksmith, carpenter, chef, agriculturist, etc. But, my ambition is not forever, I’d like to travel around only some years.

Well, I think the books, in some way, are the inspiration of my ambitions, ever when I reading a book, I can imagine how the lands, the culture, the people, etc. are.

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