martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Hellooooo !!!!!

I like too much the beaches, since I young I visit the shore of the south of the fifth region of Valparaíso called “Litoral central” and contains the beaches El Tabo, El Quisco, San Sebastian, Cartagena, etc. I like go to those places because I feel like a resident of there.

When I go to the beach I don’t take sunbaths, only walk in the sand watching the birds, the waves. Sometimes, when I stay with friends, I swim in the beach and I try to get the waves like a surfer or play at races in the water. In the shore, I prefer to run over the big rocks, jumping on them, fortunately I never fall. In occasions, if the group of friend is sufficient and we have a ball, I play beach-soccer. That is my favorite game because in the beach you can throw yourself in the sand.

I like the beach when is raining, is a little melancholic but I feel many emotions looking the horizon, feeling the wind, hearing the waves… is very good sensation. In the night, the beach change – in summer- you find people singing, swimming, walking, drinking, talking, sleeping… enjoying. Is like a big public space... until the cops come

martes, 9 de abril de 2013


My ambition is travel around of the world; I would like to meet all of countries, cities, and people. Since I was child, I travel around of Chile because I was scout and in my group ever had excursions. When the group died, I started travel alone – or with friends – by auto-stoping… I think that makes me a traveler, because since I was 7 years old I travel without my parents, but ironically, I never left Chile.
I think the best way to my dreams becomes reality is travel on a ship, working in it because to travel around the world like tourist I’d need a lot of money and I don’t have nothing now, even if I work like geographer, I spend my life working for that and never I could travel. If I have a practical career, a career to let me work on all of countries likes teacher or doctor, this ambition makes easier, but my academic knowledge is difficult to offer in other countries. I think to work like geographer in other country I need keep studying… and I don’t want spend my life on specializations of my career. Is easier offer my hands, I could work like a sailor, blacksmith, carpenter, chef, agriculturist, etc. But, my ambition is not forever, I’d like to travel around only some years.

Well, I think the books, in some way, are the inspiration of my ambitions, ever when I reading a book, I can imagine how the lands, the culture, the people, etc. are.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

I love music too and I listen a lot of styles of music. Recently I was listening rap music, I like too much because is so simple and the power of that style is the voice, the lyrics, the received message… Is only the singer with a sequence of bass and drums, like poesy with music. Seems to come back to ancient music of the tribes but in the urban neighborhoods.
Well, the last was I heard is The Roots, a band of United States, Filadelphia. Is a really good band and I knew them because a friend recommends me that band.  The song calls “What they do” and the lyrics talks about of the commercialization of that genre of music, criticises the attitude of the most famous rappers of that country - someone shows off their money, cars, girls, power, etc.- and say the origin of rap is the rebel of the low society expressed in music, the art shouldn’t be a mercancy… the sense in rap was lost and this song remind us.