martes, 26 de marzo de 2013


Well, I don’t like recommend books because that depends of the personality of the person and I don’t met you so much, someone once time say to me “the books that you read is you are”.

The last book I read was “The story of a seagull and the cat that taught it to fly” wrote by Luis Sepúlveda, a Chilean author. He is a very good writer and I like because his language invited an adventure. His profession is traveler like you are a teacher and me a student, and I like to much that career.

I finish to read this book today and I like so much, I started to read because I read before other book of Sepúlveda. It’s light reading and have few pages. The book is very beautiful because through of the story, the author teach you of a many feelings of us with animals characters.

3 comentarios:

  1. I also read the first book and I agree with you, very cute (:

  2. I love both those books. Have you read The Idiot or Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky? The old man who read love stories is another great novel by Sepulveda.

  3. Yes, I read Brothers Karamazov, but not complete. I have the bad habit of not finishing every book i start to read ...
