martes, 26 de marzo de 2013


Well, I don’t like recommend books because that depends of the personality of the person and I don’t met you so much, someone once time say to me “the books that you read is you are”.

The last book I read was “The story of a seagull and the cat that taught it to fly” wrote by Luis Sepúlveda, a Chilean author. He is a very good writer and I like because his language invited an adventure. His profession is traveler like you are a teacher and me a student, and I like to much that career.

I finish to read this book today and I like so much, I started to read because I read before other book of Sepúlveda. It’s light reading and have few pages. The book is very beautiful because through of the story, the author teach you of a many feelings of us with animals characters.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

My name is Cristian Zamorano. I was born in Santiago, but I don’t like this city, I’d prefer to live in a rainy city or in a city near of the sea. I study in a lot of schools in my childhood. I finish my secondary studies in 2008.
Actually I’m a student of geography in Universidad de Chile in my third year. The geography is a very beautiful career, and I like too much because I love travel, even my economic possibilities let me travel. In this career, the class goes outside to see different things of the earth and that it´s something similar to travel and besides is important to know our planet, although when I take the decision of study in the university, I was thinking in laws…
I live with my mom and my sister in Conchalí, in the north of Santiago and I live here since my born. We are living in the house of my grandfather.
I know many people in my neighborhood, and my best friends live here, they are four guys with me we are five and we all are studying. We met six years ago. We decide form a band three years ago because all play different instruments and to do something, I am the guitar player of the band.
I like a lot of activities; I don’t have a “principal hobbie”. I like sleep, ride bike, walk, drink, write, listen music, watch, breath, smoke, play guitar, play videogames, talk, listen, etc
Now, a classmate told me this activity only must have 50 word and I write 267… good bye !